Vicki's Book News and Articles


Written by Vicki Hinze

On June 13, 2005

Warning: This is an edit-free zone.

For those interested, I’ll be chatting this week at The topic is the national conference, but you know me, I’ll answer questions on whatever you ask. Here’s a direct link to the thread:

Tonight, I’ll be in the Bombshelter for the monthly chat. 9 P.M. Eastern. Here, the focus is on Bombshell novels, one of my favorite topics. 🙂

For those following the RWA graphic content discussion, if you haven’t heard: RWA has suspended policy at this time. They’ve designated that an ad hoc committee will review and study the issue and report back to the Board on 9/1. In the interim, they suggest caution to stay within postal regulations and the office will make determinations on the suitability of suggested materials for ads in the RWR, etc. There’s a letter on the RWA website, which if any of this pertains or is of interest, you might review.

My daughter and oldest granddaughter (2) moved closer. Gran has been in heaven, with lots of play time and I always function better when getting my prorata share of hugs and sloppy kisses. I love it, and wouldn’t change this for anything. I swore before she was born that if she asked for my time, she would have it. No exceptions.

Well, my darling has learned to phone her Gran. “Gran, let’s go shopping. Gran, have lunch with me? Gran, I want to ride the carousel. Dexter and Daisy and Jack Rabbit.”

With these invitations this past week, how could I refuse? Well, I didn’t, and I won’t. These are the days of building memories. True, she likely won’t remember the events, but I will, and they will work to forge the bond between us that will sustain anything. It worked with my mother and me, me and my daughter, and it will with my granddaugter(s).

But I do write for a living, and so in real terms it means that I work later and more nights and that my typical heavy schedule must be condensed even more. No problem; this priority is worth whatever it takes. So Gran gears up for the marathon, and since Thursday, that’s exactly what she’s done–marathon. And yesterday afternoon, she finished the current book. Today she does copyedits, and tomorrow she starts the next book–unless she gets a phone call from a wee girl. In that case, she’ll start the next book tomorrow night–and grateful she is for that blessing!

There is a point to this rambling. It’s easy to be inundated in this business. If you want a life as well, then you have to take it. You can’t wait for the time to come when you’re less busy. You don’t get less busy. You get to the point where you must pick and choose where to focus your time. It’s easy to become consumed with work because it’s something you love so much. And if you couple the business end requirements with the writing requirements, then you’re seeking time for anything else. Make time for life, too.

Watch a movie, go to the beach. Take a walk in the park. Do something just for the fun of it. You return refreshed. In my case, just looking at my granddaughter makes me happy from the bone out. Spending time with her is sheer joy. Do whatever it is that makes you happy from the bone out and fills you with joy. Do it often. It will enrich your life, and your writing.




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