Vicki's Book News and ArticlesBlog
It’s Contest Time!
There’s a contest going on and it’s a fun one. If you love mysteries and thrillers, it’s one you’re sure to enjoy. The prizes are great—and there are two winners! If...
Guest Post: In the Details by Mary Alford
It's my privilege and pleasure to have Mary Alford guest blog here today about her new release, Deadly Mountain Escape. I have enormous respect for the woman and her books, so...
Musings on “Why?”
New Release: No One Was Supposed to Die
Happy to share that today is the official release day for NO ONE WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE. This is the first Penny Crown Files book, and I'm very excited about it. Penny is a widow,...
Penny Thoughts: Work for It
To move, you must act. It's really that simple. "Do the work" is some of the best advice I ever received. Thoughts without actions = unrealized dreams. Realize them. Act.
Penny Thought: Start Where You Are
"I'll do it when xyz happens." Have you said that about something in your life that is important to you? If so, know that when and if xyz happens, so will something else that...
Penny Thought: Be Inspiration
Seek to be the inspiration others seek, the inspiration you seek. When you aspire to inspire, the person most helped is you.
Penny Thought: Happy Heart
One of the most underestimated "healing" tools in the human arsenal is gratitude. Be grateful for the little things, for the big things, for everything--good and bad. All offer...
Penny Thought: Good Habits
Never underestimate the value of good habits. Whether it is eating right, getting enough sleep, not abusing your body or mind--all of it contributes to the whole of you and is...
Penny Thought: Mindset
Your mindset can elevate you or destroy your sense of well-being. The good news is you get to choose. Guard your thoughts, your mind will take your body where it goes...
Penny Thoughts: Create Endless Echoes
Overall, we pause and speak to complain. Too often we don't give the same treatment to kind words. Isn't that a shame? Your kind word to someone today could be the only kind...
Penny Thought: Perfect Conditions
If you are waiting for perfect conditions, don't. They are ever so rare. Yet some spend their lives waiting for opportunity to knock... and are devastated because it doesn't....
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It’s Contest Time!
There’s a contest going on and it’s a fun one. If you love mysteries and thrillers, it’s one you’re sure to...
Guest Post: In the Details by Mary Alford
It's my privilege and pleasure to have Mary Alford guest blog here today about her new release, Deadly Mountain...
Musings on “Why?”