As many of you know, I’m taking care of my daughter’s newborn while she teaches, so my schedule has had to undergo radical changes. Well, I got this brilliant idea to finish a first draft on a new suspense novel over the holidays–what was I thinking???–and so I’ve been pulling some marathon days.
I started at 2:30 A.M. and worked through until my darling hubby called me for dinner. I felt great. Not only had I edited pages 100-200, I had also produced 32 new pages. What a fantastic writing day. On a roll from beginning to end.
The second time he called me, I rushed, and promptly saved the old document over the new one–the one with 17 HOURS worth of changes THROUGHOUT the manuscript and those 32 new pages.
I knew the moment I’d goofed–just as I knew done was done and there was no going back. I was not happy.
And that’s why you’re getting this post rather than the one I’d planned for today, because this too is a mistake we make that we don’t want to make. I’ve now changed procedures so that I have two backups and save intermittently on 2 different jump drives as well as the hard drive so this doesn’t happen again.
But that doesn’t change the fact that I screwed up and lost all that work.
I was . . . emotional.
But within two hours, I accepted the fact that I’d just have to redo it all, and the credit for that largely goes to Joel Osteen. In a lecture he gave just a few days ago, he was talking about the mistakes we make and how some of us get stuck and can’t let go of them and that keeps us from moving forward.
I know, it sounds like what we’ve been discussing in the MISTAKES WE MAKE SERIES. And while I knew that, I admit I was tired and cranky and I just needed to wallow a little.
Then I remembered a cute saying (you all know how I love sayings) that he shared..
There’s a reason cars have big windshields and little rearview mirrors.
I just loved that. Totally loved it.
We can’t change what’s behind us, so once we look at it, accept it, we’re done with it. We have to look at the bigger vista and that’s before us.
And so I changed my attitude and my view–from rearview to windshield.
I’m not yet back where I was on the book–end of year duties just insist on being done. But you know, I’ve gotten enough distance from the setback now that I know when I get past the editing and back to the writing again, the book will be stronger because now I clearly envision the places and conversations and events I created then. Now, I’m starting out with attitudes in place and a sharp focus rather than that nebulous getting acquainted fuzz.
Please note the photo above was on realizing what I had done. Made a mistake.
The good news? I survived and am pressing forward again–but without the jump drive inserted and with the new procedures in place!!!
I hope you’re off to a fantastic start this New Year’s Day and that sharing this faux pas helps.
May you never have one like it. 🙂
Vicki Hinze