We all endure personal trials and challenges and we focus on the larger ones taking place that impact our lives and those of our loved ones. We empathize, sympathize and look on with hearts engaged at the troubles others endure and suffer.
Some are more sensitive to those challenges than others. And one challenge for the faithful is that they take on the burdens of others and before they realize what’s happening, they’re personally impacted by them. Their hearts are heavy. Their attitudes are affected, their emotions are engaged and they’re no longer viewing from an objective state but from one that is up close and personal.
When we reach out to others regularly, we take in a lot of strife and negativity. The objective is to comfort and soothe, and the outcome can be that we soon discover ourselves out of balance and unwell. We bear the weight of the burdens. We feel the pain, suffer the hurts. And often that manifests in our physical selves in the ways stress typically affects our bodies.
This isn’t to say that we should distance ourselves and our emotions from others in need; that’s a direct contradiction to teachings. It is a signal to delve deeper into those teachings, so that we feel, we empathize and compassionately engage, but that we do so and let those feelings travel through us and release them. It’s the failure to release that makes us ill and destroys our balance.
Feel. Emote. Seek solutions. Do all you can as you can. Then let go. Put it on the altar, so that solutions and assistance can flow through you but not consume you.
And remember your blessings. Why?
We’ve heard since the cradle to count our blessings, but we seldom hear why we should do so. Counting your blessings reminds you of all that is good and right in your life. All the wonderful things that you’ve embraced and that, by its very nature, helps restore balance.
If we’re taking in the bad stuff continually, we need to focus on the good stuff to balance our personal scales. This reminds us in mental, emotional and spiritual ways that there is good, that a lot of it is part of our lives. And that assures us that in helping others we don’t harm ourselves.
We retain balance and we don’t forget that we are too blessed to live stressed.
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