Sometimes we are hurt, played or used by others. It can be painful, and the effects can be long-lasting. It’s wrong to treat others poorly, we know, but being on the receiving end of that ill treatment isn’t without value. We know the impact because we’ve experienced it firsthand, which serves to warn us not to treat others that way. It makes us aware of the true nature of those who do this to us, and it makes it harder for that person or others to do this (or worse) to us again. We learn to protect, to guard, to be aware in all our interactions.
In that way, while not fun or comfortable or painless, we discover that disappointment, betrayal and even anger can be constructive and useful for future protection.
Often, we’re mired. In trying to be fair, to not judge or falsely attribute actions to someone innocent of them, we elect to wait and figure it out based on their actions and words and deeds. This can carry risks, but we’re intensely aware now, and that enables us to engage in self-protection in ways we couldn’t and hadn’t done when we were unaware. As we observe during the wait, we gain insights that give us a clearer picture, and we arrive at a point where we know exactly what to think about what is happening. Truth, you see, presents itself in many forms, and paying attention, we notice them. Being aware, we are open to them. Being attuned, we assess them.
John 8:32 tells us: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
It does. Truth removes doubt, the fear and anxiety of being unfair and wrongly accusing another. When the truth manifests, we recognize it at soul level.
At times, on certain issues, we discover that what we thought had been significant, isn’t. We permitted worry and frustration, upset to dictate and feed our fears. But in exercising restraint, the truth revealed that the matter was not significant or intentional or purposeful.
It’s important to mention that we are not required to have opinions or strong feelings about everything. Nor are we required to share our opinions on many things. We are not obligated to invest deeply in everything. In fact, I daresay we’re not supposed to do that.
As homes to unique individual gifts and created by the Divine for specific purpose, we must also exercise our discernment and choose in what we invest and opine upon. Some things are not part of our purpose, or our mission. We notice those things often, but we focus on things that are part of our purpose and mission.
If we don’t exercise that discernment, we find ourselves splintered into a thousand directions. While it’s good to know bits of this and that, distraction carries the risk of replaying the old adage, “Jack of all trades, master of none.” Distraction can be interesting, intriguing, spark your imagination. Shiny objects snag our attention. But if given too much weight, they can also put you on a path that isn’t yours to travel and steal the steam from your purpose and mission journey. Who does that benefit?
It isn’t you. It isn’t He you serve. It isn’t those whose lives you are intended to touch. To see clearly the real benefactor, answer this: If you don’t reach your purpose, complete your mission, we know who loses, but who wins? Who fills that void in your life and in the lives of those it was your mission to touch?
This, too, is a reason that truth is so important. Knowing the truth. So that you know what you need to know when you need to know it, and so that you travel your path, focusing on your mission and fulfilling your purpose.
That reveals knowing the truth isn’t merely important but is critical. It resides within you. Guides you. Protects and provides you with what you need to make wise decisions for yourself and those you serve.
In 2 Chronicles 19: 8-11, we’re told, “And he charged them, saying, “Thus shall ye do in the fear of the Lord, faithfully, and with a perfect heart.”
That’s an alarm to us on the importance of our intentions. A signpost of why we don’t deliberately inflict injury, use or betray or harm others. Why we use reason and logic but also our hearts (our compassion and empathy and understanding) so our heart is aligned with God.
Reacting God’s way to wrongdoing is a process. We learn as we go, as we do in many things. We figure it out, we determine who we can trust, who we can’t; where we are safe and accepted and treasured, and where we are not. We work our way from wherever we are to an understanding that we’re all okay, that everything is okay, and everything will be okay. No matter what.
We conclude that when we grasp the inevitable truth: Life is short. Eternity lasts much, much longer.
If we remember that, and we do our best to do right by ourselves and others for the right reasons (our intentions), His way (through our hearts), we’ll be just fine. Perfect? No. But far better with far less chaos and upset. This side of Heaven, that’s pretty good, and it carries the added benefit of our focus moving us along on the journey on purpose and mission. We’ll get farther, accomplish more and be more content for those gains.
The truth can hurt. But it can also heal. And when it does, it often heals far more than we thought or knew needed healing…
©2021, Vicki Hinze