In my humble opinion, The following program, offered by the history channel, should be required viewing . . .
The War against al Qaeda
Episode: The War against al Qaeda.
Wednesday, January 17
10:00 AM
Wednesday, January 17
04:00 PM
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In the wake of 9/11, America and its allies launched a worldwide effort to attack al Qaeda. After war in Afghanistan and a worldwide manhunt, 3,000 al Qaeda operatives were captured or killed. The U.S. tracked down potential terror cells at home and shut down financial networks that sustained terrorists. But the top two most wanted men–Osama bin Laden and his right-hand man, Ayman al-Zawahiri–remain at large. And the U.S. faces a new threat from cells that have sprung up in 80 countries.
Rating: TVPG V
Running Time: 60 minutes
Genre:Military & War
The War Against Al Qaeda DVD
$24.95 DVD-R
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