Good Morning:  Seek Truth at the Source

Good Morning: Seek Truth at the Source

NOTEWORTHY   Sorry for the long interruption.  Hubby had a medical emergency that has taken our full attention.  Happy to report he’s recovered, and now we’re trying to catch up with everything else.  I appreciate your patience and sticking with me....


WONDERS OF CHARACTER When the impossible seems improbable but is presented by a person of character, benefit of doubt follows and often we discover what we deemed improbable is not only possible but fact.  ~Vicki...
Christians and Corruption

Christians and Corruption

CHRISTIANS AND CORRUPTION © 2011, Vicki Hinze WARNING:  This is a no-edit zone….   The news is rife with stories on corruption right now.  Investigation upon investigation is underway.  Story upon story breaks of corruption—money for payback on political support,...

Check the Facts

When someone attempts to steer your favor through fear, wisdom dictates you check the facts.  Verifying for yourself proves the truth or lie in the tactic and reveals the true character of the person inciting fear. –Vicki Hinze ©2011, Vicki...
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