WARNING:  This is a no-edit zone… These are tumultuous times.  Everything and everyone is in an uproar over something or many things.  If it isn’t hurricanes on the coast, it’s hurricanes on Wall Street and in Washington. We look at this, and too often see only...


WARNING: This is a no-edit zone… As writers, we’re asked many questions. Some from and of ourselves, many more from others. One question seems perpetual for the frequency with which it’s asked: “In light of how hard it is to get or stay published, why do writers...


©2003-2008 BY VICKI HINZE  There are times of uncertainty and doubt in every writer’s life. Times when all the hard work, the frustrations, the efforts, and the isolation inherent to executing the craft seem to narrow to one question in the writer’s mind:...

Are You a Candle or a Mirror?

Warning:  this is a no-edit zone…On awakening, like everyone else, I have my rituals. One of them is to read from the Bible and then to pull a quote for the day and reflect on how the two–the reading and the quote–interrelate. The quote for today...


ACKNOWLEDGMENTACCEPTANCEATTITUDEASPIRATIONSA new year. A chance for a new beginning, a new direction–a fresh start.Some changes we make will be so welcome, we’ll open our arms and embrace them with enthusiasm and zeal and a “Oh, yes! Finally!”We acknowledge...
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