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APRIL 27, 2013
Barbara Vey’s Reader Appreciation Luncheon
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I’ve accepted a gracious invitation to be a guest author at Barbara Vey’s Annual Reader Appreciation Luncheon in Milwaukee, Wisconsin next April 27th.
Barbara Vey (photo above right) is a Publishers Weekly Contributing Editor who sponsors this event to benefit local libraries. You likely know her from her blog, Beyond Her Book.
There are door prizes and raffles and, of course, lunch, and the keynote is James Rollins. It’s going to be a terrific time and I look forward to seeing those who can attend!
From Barbara on this event:
Join us as we welcome 38 authors to Wisconsin for an afternoon luncheon filled with fun, gift bags full of books and door prizes. We will also be raffling off wonderful donations (last year we had a guitar and Nook) and many baskets filled with books and other items. Not only will you enjoy lunch at an author table, but this event includes a book signing with NYT best seller James Rollins and over forty (40) additional best selling, award winning and debut authors attending. *Book signing not open to the public, for luncheon attendees only.
NOTE: I have only 7 seats at my table for this luncheon. So if you want one, sign up as soon as possible! Registration and more information is at: barbaraveyreaders.com
It would be wonderful to see some of you at this event. That it benefits public libraries warms my heart!