A few weeks ago, I asked you to respond to a survey regarding my blog posts. In that survey, I followed up on your notes to me and asked if you’d like to receive blog posts via email. By a huge margin, those who responded to the survey want blog posts emailed directly to them. So with the help of my most magnificent gurus, we’ve now put that in place for you.
I’ve structured this Email Blog as an opt-in feature to be sure that only those who want the posts emailed to them will receive them. If you want the email posts, then click here or add your email address to the sign up form in the righthand column on this page.
So now the blog (all categories) will be available here on the website and via email. Do note that only those who opt-in to Email Blog Posts will receive them (meaning, if you’re on my newsletter list or Remind Me note list for new releases, you won’t get the blog.)
Not to belabor but to be sure I’m being clear…
To get any of these mailings, you must be on that specific list. (i.e., to get the Newsletter, you have to be on the Newsletter list. To get Remind Me notes on new releases, you have to be on the Remind Me list. To get Emailed Blog Posts, you have to be on the Email Blog Post list.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to be on all three lists. (I’m not mixing the lists or sending all to all (though that’d be easier) because I figure you want what you want and while some want all, not all want all. :)) I want to give you want you want.
So because you asked, I’m happy to offer you this new feature.