Halloween means Trick or Treats for the little ones, so here are a few safety tips to keep in mind:
Halloween Safety Tips
1. Adults accompany your kids. Never let anyone Trick or Treat alone. Never enter a stranger’s home.
2. Avoid sharp objects in costumes. (i.e. swords should be soft and flexible; masks shouldn’t impair your vision)
3. Eat no candy until it has been carefully examined by an adult you trust. If it isn’t sealed from the manufacturer, don’t eat it.
4. Add reflective tape to costumes, and carry glow sticks or flashlights. Be sure car drivers and others can see your kids.
5. Between 5 and 9 PM is when most pedestrian accidents occur. Take extra care so you have a safe time trick or treating.
6. Stay on sidewalks and no running across streets. Avoid lighted candles to avoid being burned.
Be safe and have a Happy Halloween!