Before the White Rose
A Short Story“This story touches the most tender place in your heart. Life is so difficult at times that it seems almost too painful to bear. But the other times, the wonderful ones like first kisses and weddings and new babies make those painful moments tolerable. We forget just how bad the pain was and we move on, we keep living. Hinze nails those feelings down to the tiniest glimmer of both doubt and hope. Her portrayal of Elisa is a masterpiece. Don’t miss this one!”
All three novels are re-issued by Bell Bridge Books in multi-format digital editions, audio, and trade paperback editions, beginning with Beyond a Misty Shore.
For more information visit Bell Bridge Books at
At times, we feel we’ve lost it all–and then we do, and yet we discover there’s a ton of life on the other side of loss. So it is for three people in BEFORE THE WHITE ROSE, who all learn that life is precious and love . . . love is real…
The SEASCAPE SERIES SAMPLER is the first three chapters of all Vicki’s Seascape series novels: Beyond the Misty Shore, Upon a Mystic Tide, Beside a Dreamswept Sea
”Some stories serve merely to entertain and I very much enjoy them, but the gems are those that operate on several levels. Before the White Rose is such a story and I loved it. The obvious theme is to keep trying, but underneath, there’s a beautiful message that really resonated. Do you know someone who needs a phone call or a visit? It can make all the difference in someone’s life. If you’re looking for a meaningful read, this one will have you involved and thinking long after the final page.” —Kathy Carmichael
“Touching. Haunting. Inspiring. This is one of those stories that will remain with you long after you’ve put it down. It’s a touching story of three people who are hurting very badly and have given up hope, but at the same time, it fills the reader with hope over the possibilities that exist even when we see nothing but despair. The what-ifs are haunting, but underneath it all, Ms Hinze is reminding us all that reaching out to others can heal, both ourselves and those we reach out to. This is a story to keep in your heart forever.” —Skye Taylor
“Word Magic. What a lovely, lyrical story. I think the haunting tale of a gentle grave tender and her collection of hurting, healing souls will stay with me for a very long time.” —Ali C ( “…a lovely story of loss and hope.” —Nessa (
“This story is poignant, thought provoking and very well written. I found myself rereading many of the paragraphs twice because they impacted me so deeply. As I reached the end I couldn’t help feeling slightly tearful – the way you do after a wonderful film suddenly ends on a sad note… I have the feeling that this story and the emotions that it conjured up will stay with me for a while.” —D. Jones, Reader Review, Amazon, U.K.
“Four and a half stars. the other half i left out because i honor that to my life, recently deceased dad, grieving mom and siblings. everything in this book is crazy ridicously in common to my own trips to my dads grave. the old church that stands unused, the lady in her forties who tends the graves and is kind and gives advise or leaves grievers alone…wow but i am very much alive along with mom and siblings. everything is meant to be and i suggest i came across the book for a good reason. before the white rose is incredible. i will never look at a white rose at my dads final resting place the same!” —Terri’s Kindle (
“This is a very touching story. I,for one,sat back and thought about my own life and how things could be improved. This story dives into the possibility realm and things we might like to not live through. Vicki is a fantastic writer and an inspiration to me. I really enjoyed the story. It is a short story about three lives that come intersecting together in their darkest moments. I think it was a story that needed to be written. It’s a story of hope and despair and the amazing realization that people do come to after being touched deeply by death.” —Mary Reiss (
“Darn, this was too short! I love the message of the story but I won’t say what it is because it might spoil it for prospective readers. But the category of the message would be hope. No matter how awful life seems, when it looks like you have nothing to live for, hang in there.” —Lisa (
“I read this because it was free, but I discovered a gem in this tale. I read it on a dull and grey Sunday morning in October, with the clocks having just gone back, feeling a bit miffed that the change in time wasn’t for the better, and feeling a touch ‘bleuch’. Winter blues, I thought. “But then I read this book, which made me think, which made me feel, and which lifted me from my slight ‘low’ and made me grateful for what I have, and made me recall all the good things that I have in my life, but that I perhaps sometimes unknowingly take for granted. “It is a very short and simple tale, with everyday characters with real stories, the events of which could happen to anyone. It was both sad and uplifting, it had both despair and hope, it had both sadness and love and it was symbolical in a non-preachy , ‘touch of religion’ way. “I felt lifted and lighter in spirit for having read it; it was just the right level of therapeutic reading for me.” —Roroblu’s Mom (London, UK)