Vicki's Book News and Articles

When Your Heart Breaks

Written by Vicki Hinze

On June 29, 2009

When we think of heartbreak, we think of romantic relationships.  But the truth is that many things can break someone’s heart.
A problematic relationship with a child, a sibling, a distant relative, a friend.
The loss of a loved one.
A medical issue that seems to destroy a dream.
Being swept aside for a promotion you feel you deserve.
The lack of recognition or acceptance of what you do as valuable by those who matter.

But the potential for heartbreak doesn’t end there.  It extends far beyond depending on your perception and reaction to what you perceive.  For example, this past week the people of Iran have been being beaten and arrested, imprisoned and tortured for peacefully protesting a rigged election.  They want freedom, and the right to express their opinions as afforded to them in their Constitution.  For those following their struggle, this is heartbreaking.  Hearing that some are being arrested, tortured and executed is heartbreaking.

We look to Israel who lives under constant threat and pressure struggling for its right to exist.  Our hearts are moved by anyone’s  rights to exist.  Seeing that struggle is heartbreaking.

We look closer to home and see corruption and greed dismantling our freedoms and destroying our country.  Our leaders vote on unread legislation that impacts our lives not based on its value to our country and its people but based on how it will impact them personally when it comes time for re-election, and so many Americans seem apathetic about it.  And that too causes heartbreak.

Last night, I went onto Twitter and looked at the trending topics.  None of these things mentioned were there.  Instead, the topics were about celebrities and awards.  I don’t dispute that those things too are worthy of interest.  But I do wonder at the nature of the people we’re becoming when we can so swiftly shift focus from those struggling and suffering crimes against humanity to put our emphasis on awards and celebrities.

It seems there’s a huge disconnect on our part when it comes to what we were ordered to do.  Love one another.

I realize that includes those who have worked so hard to gain acclaim and achieve awards.  And the celebrities who also have worked hard to gain their fame.  I don’t deny them their due.

I do wonder what Jesus would say, and even more so, what He would think of nations of people watching atrocities or knowing they’re occurring and focusing on what we collectively are.

I went to bed thinking about this last night and awakened with it still on my mind.  And with it came a warning that we reap what we sow.  Apathy is slowly choking the compassion and humanity from us.

And that breaks my heart.

So today I’m spending a lot of time in prayer asking that those things are restored.  That our passion be redirected to areas befitting our compassion.  That in seeing ourselves we redirect our energies in ways that honor Him and reignite our humanity.

Hearts can be broken for many reasons.  Alone, we can do little to change the heart or mind or interest of others.  We can suggest, recommend, state the worth of values and morals and ethics. We can repeat the duty of man to love one another.  But we can’t  crawl into another’s heart and change it.  Yet God can.

He can heal the brokenhearted, open the eyes and ears and flood others with unvarnished truth.  If we ask, we will receive.  The Bible says so, just as it says that we have not because we ask not.

Today, I’m asking.    And I hope you will, too.




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