Vicki's Book News and Articles


Written by Vicki Hinze

On July 13, 2012

In tough times, it’s all too easy to fall into despair.  Many slide into it. Others tumble, and some swan dive.  They all end up in the same place, and once there, climbing out of that pit can be really hard.

So the merit of not ending up in the pit and having to climb out is evident.

Experts have a lot to say on this subject.  They offer coping mechanisms and suggestions–and those can be helpful.

I’m into practical solutions–and ones with proven results.  And while I’d never negate the validity of experts’ advice, personally, I go straight to the top first–the Great Physician.

As I’ve shared many times, I’m a simple woman, and so the solutions I want to share might seem simplistic.  That shouldn’t be a surprise.  But don’t make the mistake of believing that because they’re simple they’re not amazingly effective.

Complex doesn’t guarantee great results.  Wisdom does.

Here are a few gems gleaned that I hope you’ll find pick you right up.  They are time-tested and proven.



Simple solutions are often the best solutions.




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