WARNING: This is a no-edit zone…
In the past few weeks, and in this week in particular, it’s been a rare note in my inbox that hasn’t been about challenges and from people seeking help to confront them constructively. America’s state of affairs has a lot of people angry, disillusioned, frustrated and despairing. How can you create anything when in that state of mind?
Typically, when I’m down, I write humor for balance. But to be honest, there’s nothing in the current situation funny enough to compensate for all the nonsense now going on, and to make light of where corruption and greed have landed a nation of good people, well, let’s just say that humor is not going to work for me this time. It’s not working for others, either. We need more. But what more?
We need hope that we can turn things around. Hope that collectively we have the courage and conviction and believe strongly enough in the good to endure what we must endure to regain it.
That’s what we need. But gauging from the notes and calls I’ve received, the stretch from where we are to where we need to be to create is too huge a gap to reach direct. So first we need to bridge the gap.
Sounds impossible, but it’s not. There are a few adjustments we can make that will help us do it:
Tags: creativity, chaos, author, writer, novelist, creative writing, balance, anxiety, upset, calm, serenity, peace, knowledge, wisdom