WARNING: This is a no-edit zone…
Occasionally, we have the rare privilege of feeling as if we’re in the right place at the right time with the right people with the right thing to do what we’re supposed to be doing. For me, this is one of those times.
It’s official. The contracts are signed and now in my hands.
I’m beyond happy to announce that I’ll be writing a new series of novels set at CROSSROADS CRISIS CENTER for Waterbrook-Multnomah, a division of Random House. The first novel is FORGET ME NOT.
These are romantic suspense. Of course, they’ll have all my favorite things: mystery, suspense, a romantic element and a villain that scares my socks off (can’t omit that thriller aspect I so love!). I’ve been thinking about this series for a very long time. Finally, it’s time has come and I’m so excited I can barely contain myself.
Okay, I won’t. <Pause: Join me in the Snoopy Dance… Resume>
Didn’t do a thing to diminish the excitement. Indulge me. 🙂
It’ll be a while until publication–Spring of 2010 (I have to write them first!) but the fantastic news is that once we start, we’re going to try to get one out to you about every six months. Won’t that be fabulous?
The best news: These are Christian Fiction, so rather than play down the spiritual element, I can let it be! Woohooo!!!!
I can’t tell you how elated I am about this. All of it. As I said in opening, it’s a rare privilege, and one I am very grateful to experience.
Now, I’m going to celebrate!
My favorite way, of course. A family play day at the waterpark. So if you call my cell and get a glub, glub, glub, don’t worry. Everything’s fine. Actually, it’s better than fine. It’s GREAT! 🙂