There are patterns in life, and one of them I’ve tagged the Cluster Factor. I’m sure some scholar has tagged it something else, but my observation is merely an observation, not a theological or academic study. That doesn’t make it more or less true or real, just based on different criteria.
The first evidence of the cluster factor I noted was in writing ideas and pertains to thinking patterns. I don’t typically think a book, I think a series of books. Often, ideas come to me in threes. When I first noted this, I noted it but didn’t really deem it significant. Cluster novel ideas was just the way my mind worked.
Then, during a conversation with a relative who informed me there’d been a death in the extended family mentioned “deaths always come in threes.” Sure enough, two more deaths followed within a matter of a few months–and looking back, I noted that this had also been the case when my brother had died years earlier.
Intrigued, I talked to a few friends about the cluster factor and discovered that…
Tags: series of events, related happenings, related occurrences, commonalities, advancing, authors, writers, novelists, readers, books,creative writing, career strategy, success, problem-solving, conflict resolution