“The giant oak is an acorn that held its ground.”
It’s been a haul. The flu, then strep and sinusitis and when I thought I couldn’t possibly catch another thing, pneumonia set in. This has not been a fun few weeks!
But thanks to docs and modern meds and grit, I lived. And I’m getting back to normal. I expect it will take me a few days to get through all the email and to find the top of my desk, but that’s a small price to pay.
I’m waxing a little sentimental, too, so beware. Being reminded of the fragility of life and how fast things can change puts one in a mindful frame. One where assessments are reviewed and interests are redefined and investments are considered and weighed.
More on that to follow.
For now, I just wanted to let you know that like the stubborn acorn, I’m still here . . .
And grateful for it!