It’s here! Finally! Launch Day for our new eclectic collection, Risky Brides. We’ve been working on this for months and months. And finally the day comes. Finally…
And it was yesterday. The very day I had a reaction to a new medicine that knocked me to my knees and kept me pinned down all day. I had a to-do list three pages long and every time I’d lift my head, I’d have to pay homage to porcelain. It was a very long day.
And isn’t that the way it always happens? We work so hard at something and then Bam!
I know Mercury is retrograde. I know things work out as they should. And there are many worse things going on in the world, and much to be grateful for, but I have to tell you, I was one disappointed puppy. And I’m guessing everyone reading this has known that kind of disappointment at some or another on something you’ve poured yourself into for an extended period of time.
In my case, I was lucky. While I was down, many of the other authors were not–and readers definitely were not! Thank you for supporting Risky Brides so well not only in the US and UK but in Japan! You sliced right through my disappointment and gave me a calm feeling. That “it’s going to be all right” feeling. You know the value of the one I mean. What a blessing.
So I just wanted to say thanks. I’m still a little shaky and rocky but I feel better and I thank you for that!
There’s a collection of contests going on and coming on Risky Brides. Watch the Facebook page for details.
I’m sorry I missed the festivities yesterday–but I’m sure glad a lot of you didn’t!