We’re in the direct path of Hurricane Ida, so I’m busy preparing. Just when I thought we’d escaped this season, here it comes. Fortunately, it’s losing strength. I pray it continues to do so.
Today was my turn to post at Clever Divas. My post was inspired by a child and addresses the question of When is Enough Enough? If you’d like to read it, you can do so HERE.
If you’d like to have my monthly newsletter delivered to you via email, you can do so by clicking HERE. That link will also enter you in my current contest which is for a copy of Kill Zone and a $25 gift certificate. (Entrants, good luck!)
If you’re following me on Facebook, please be aware that I’m migrating from a friends page to a fan page due to friend page limitations. If you would, please follow me HERE. I’d like to get this done quickly, but will post for a few days so those who don’t read every day won’t be left behind. 🙂
The www.vickihinze.com website has been redesigned. I hope it’s easier to navigate and less cluttered. It’s amazing how much one accumulates–and how fast! If you run into any challenges, be sure to let me know so we can address them.
Until after the storm, I wish you and yours many…