WARNING: This is a no-edit zone…
Every now and then I spot something or get an idea that I think can benefit authors. I’ve always believed that together we can do things none of us can do alone, and in the elevating the whole helps us all. It’s been a defining principle for me throughout my career.
Many of us blog, but blogs are only successful if someone’s reading them. So getting the word out that they exist is important. So it is too with word on our books. So I’ve started a new Special Project that addresses both of those things:
You can read about it at www.fictionblogalliance.com.
As well as listing blogs in one place, designating which bloggers review at least one FBA new release each month, there will be a pdf catalogue of new releases.
It’ll take a bit to get FBA launched up and running, but my hope for it is that it will make others aware of fiction authors’ blogs and their books.
I hope you’ll join me in this adventure!