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Be sure to get your free digital copy of my short story, INVIDIA! Click HERE to get your free copy at Book Funnel.
Should you need instructions to download to your tablet, phone or reading device, don’t worry. Just email help@bookfunnel.com or click on the Help link at the top of the page on book funnel.com’s website.
The story is available in Kindle, e-pub, and pdf. Simply choose your preference.
If you need a Kindle app to read the story, again don’t worry. The app is free. CLICK HERE to go to Amazon to download a “Send to Kindle app” that will make it easy to send documents to your tablet, computer, email, smart phone, etc.
You shouldn’t have any problems, but we never say never, so if you do, just email help@bookfunnel.com. They’ll help get you fixed right up.
I hope you enjoy the story!
P.S. If at any time you decide you no longer want to receive my newsletters, please follow the unsubscribe link on the bottom of any of my monthly newsletters. Please do not mark my newsletter as spam, because I could lose the ability to make this offer in the future, and it may prevent others from receiving their newsletters. Thank you so much for your kindness in helping me avoid that!