Time Management–Scheduling

WARNING:  This is a no-edit zone… Since I received this cluster of questions that all connect to time and apportioning it effectively, I thought I’d address them in this forum. Q. How long does it take to write a book? A.  It depends. I’m not being glib, I’m...


Life, they say, is what happens while you’re otherwise occupied.I’m not sure if I believe that, but I do believe that you can miss life by being occupied. We can get caught up in crisis living and miss the turns on our personal paths that are most meaningful.What do I...


We all have an internal compass.It comes to us as flashes of intuition, gut instinct. Sometimes, when danger threatens, it raises the hair on our necks and arms. At others, it comes to us as a gentle knowing.Some say we absorb signals subconsciously and instinct is...
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