Mistakes We Make

A Nonfiction Common Sense Life and Writing Collection
writing, life, common sense guide, avoiding mistakes, mistakes we make, vicki hinze
Nonfiction A collection of Guides to Avoid Making Mistakes  
When You’re Sick and Tired of Making Mistakes…

Mistakes are inevitable.  We all make them.  Some create consequences that are relatively easy to bear, but some knock us to our knees and keep us there for a long time.

Those are the mistakes we want to avoid making.  The ones that, if we do make them, we want to make sure we never–ever–make them again.

In mentoring authors for over two decades, I’ve discovered that we often make the same mistakes–some of them, multiple times, because they come disguised as being different, or because we simply don’t recognize them.

But we can. We can learn from the mistakes others make and avoid having to tromp through every single mud puddle firsthand.

Some mistakes are rooted in not knowing the ropes.  Some are rooted in judgment errors, or in perspective errors.  And some are rooted in knowing what we want but being mired in a maze of “I don’t know what to do” chaos that causes confusion on what we want versus what we need or how to go about getting what we want and need.

I hope that this book will assist writers in moving past mistakes–avoiding them or recovering from them–and move those writers closer to their professional dreams with less pain, less angst, and fewer regrets.

That is the purpose of this compilation of 13 articles on the most common mistakes we make that we can avoid–or from which we have discovered a road to recovery.

  • Print Length: 78 pages
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0046W6ULQ
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